The science of deduction

The science of deduction

Andree sahebi, painter,pianist, writer and detective

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it contains the oenanthoxin . the stems and carbohydrate-rich roots are poisnous. one root can kill a cow. mostly it grows in eastern part of asia,italia and india. this plant is a neurotoxic plant.  used for ritual killing of elderly people.

colchicum autumnale picture

colchicum autumnale

 it is known as naked lady, it's native to the great bretain and ireland. these plants are poisnous due to their colchicine content.

poisnous zantedeschia


it has been introduced to all continents except  antractica. it's known as calla lily. they have calcium oxalate crystals in the raphid form. all parts of the plant are poisnous. 

poisonous hellborus nigera

helleborus niger

helleborus niger or christmas rose is a poisnous plant. it is 23to30cm high. they generaly found in austria, switzerland, germany and solvenia and the northern italy. it contains protoanemonin, which causes the burning of eyes or throat.  

jacobaea vulgaris

poisonous flowers. no2

jacobaea vulgaris .its a common wild flower. in open and dru places. it contains many different types(8) of alkaloids.its a .concern for horse keepers. it can damage the d.n.a cells 

